Front Cover
The A level Paper 2 study guide is written specifically for the AQA GCE Physical Education specification 2016.
Creatively handwritten and illustrated to give a 'bespoke' feeling to the 168 page booklet.
3.2 Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
Exercise Physiology
- Diet and Nutrition and their effect on Physical Activity and Performance
- Preparation and Training Methods in relation to Maintaining Physical Activity and Performance
- Injury Prevention and the Rehabilitation of iIjury
Biomechanical Movement
- Biomechanical Principles
- Levers
- Linear Motion
- Angular Motion
- Projectile Motion
- Fluid Mechanics
Sport Psychology
- Aspects of personality
- Attitudes
- Arousal
- Anxiety
- Aggression
- Motivation
- Achievement Motivation Theory
- Social Facilitation
- Group Dynamics
- Importance of Goal Setting
- Attribution Theory
- Self Efficacy & Confidence
- Leadership
- Stress Management
Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport
- Concepts of Physical Activity and Sport
- Development of Elite Performers in Sport
- Ethics in Sport
- Violence in Sport
- Drugs in Sport
- Sport and the Law
- Impact of Commercialisation on Physical Activity and Sport and the Relationship between Sport and the Media
- The role of Technology in Physical Activity and Sport
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