Tony has been involved in teaching since 2000, a Head of Department since 2008 and Head of Faculty since 2012. He is a very experienced classroom practitioner. He finished teaching in 2023 to focus on runinng and developing GCSE Simplified full-time.
In 2015 he became one of the lead trainers for Edexcel GCSE with a focus on NEA; practical and the PEP. Between 2015 and 2020 he delivered most of the face to face sessions for Edexcel in London, Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham, centre based training for schools around the country and online sessions for up to 130 delegates.
In 2019 he travelled overseas to deliver sessions to schools in Dubai and also presented at the FOBISIA PE conference for schools in SE Asia.
He has again delivered training sessions at the FOBISIA conferences in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and also the PHASE conference in Bangkok in November 2024. Tony is due to present again at PHASE 2025 in Singapore.
Tony has also presented session for Hodder, Keynote and ICE Education.
We offer bespoke staff CPD/inset training on a whole range of areas suitable for PE departments.
Our training sessions reflect the needs of the schools and individuals within the department.
Content and context are key to success. GCSE Simplified training sessions are;
Recent sessions include;
If you feel that you would benefit from areas not covered here.please get in touch as all sessions are designed to fit your needs.
We run sessions online via either Zoom or Teams or face to face in school.
Use the 'Contact us' form to get in touch.
If you are interested in purchasing individual copies, please visit Waterstones online where most of our books can be found.