Different types of muscles
Within unit 1, students explore how the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems function and the fundamentals of the energy systems. This unit is externally assessed by way of an exam.
The GLH for unit 1 are 120 and as such it carries additional weighting compared to other units (except units 2 & 19).
Creatively handwritten and illustrated to give a 'bespoke' feeling to the 56 page Btec Sport revision study guide.
Each section features a content checklist & revision pages, followed by questions on the relevant section.
A - The effects of exercise and sports performance on the skeletal system.
B - The effects of exercise and sports performance on the muscular system.
C - The effects of exercise and sports performance on the respiratory system.
D - The effects of exercise and sports performance on the cardio-vascular system.
E - The effects of exercise and sports performance on the energy systems.
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